O (Z=8)
* Here "He-like" represents the final ionic state,
i.e., satellite lines due to dielectronic
recombination from H-like ion to He-like ion.
He-like O (OVII)
L.A. Vainshtein and U.I.Safronova, 1978, ADNDT 21, 49
"Wavelenvths and Transition Probabilities of Satellites to Resonance
Lines of H- and He-like Ions"
Text file (1.7kbyte)
L.A. Vainshtein and U.I.Safronova, 1978, ADNDT 25, 311
"Dielectronic Satellite Spectra for Highly Charged H-like Ions
(2l'3l"-1s2l, 2l'3l"01s3l) and He-like Ions
(1s2l'3l"-1s22l, 1s2l'3l"-1s23l) with Z=6-33"
Text file (5.9kbyte)
Li-like O (OVI)
L.A. Vainshtein and U.I.Safronova, 1978, ADNDT 21, 49
"Wavelenvths and Transition Probabilities of Satellites to Resonance
Lines of H- and He-like Ions"
Text file (2.3kbyte)
L.A. Vainshtein and U.I.Safronova, 1978, ADNDT 25, 311
"Dielectronic Satellite Spectra for Highly Charged H-like Ions
(2l'3l"-1s2l, 2l'3l"01s3l) and He-like Ions
(1s2l'3l"-1s22l, 1s2l'3l"-1s23l) with Z=6-33"
Text file (8.2kbyte)
Be-like O (O V)
K. Moribayashi and T. Kato 1997, NIFS-DATA-41
"Atomic Nuclear Charge Scaling for Dielectronic Recombination to Be-like
Text file (41kbyte)
(This has Es.)
Atomic and Molecular Data Research Center, National Institute for Fusion Science
Last updated: Sep. 28, 2002
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