MoD-PMI 2019
4th International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction
in Fusion Devices
Date: 18-20 June 2019
Venue: National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), 322-6 Oroshi-cho,
Toki, Gifu 509-5292, JAPAN
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This workshop is supported by the NINS program of Promoting Research by Networking among Institutions (Grant Number 01411702).
Thank you for your participation. Group photo can be downloaded here.
Scientific scope and aims
The International Workshop on Models and Data for Plasma-Material Interaction in Fusion Devices (MoD-PMI 2019) is organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the fourth time. This workshop was initiated by the ICTP-IAEA Conference on MoD-PMI held in Trieste in 2014. Following the ICTP event, the first workshop on MoD-PMI was held in Marseille (2015), the 2nd workshop in Loughborough (2016), and the 3rd workshop in Jülich (2017).
The workshop is intended to bring together researchers from the areas of fusion energy and materials science to review advances, both experimental and in the modelling, in study and understanding of processes relevant to plasma-material interaction in fusion devices.
The workshop aims to provide a bridge between fundamental and multi-scale computations and interpretation of experimental data. A variety of processes to be addressed spans a wide range of scales and includes material erosion, transport and trapping of hydrogen and helium in fusion relevant materials, as well as changes in the material microstructure, composition and morphology.
MoD-PMI will cover all topics on advances in computational and experimental studies related to PMI processes and microstructural evolution of fusion relevant materials. Specific topics include the following:
Invited speakers
Tommy Ahlgren (Univ. Helsinki, Finland)
Utkarsh Bhardwaj (BARC, India)
Johann Bouchet (CEA, France)
Bastiaan J. Braams (CWI, Netherlands)
Sergei Dudarev (CCFE, UK)
Paul Erhart (Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Sweden)
Christoph Freysold (MPI für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany)
Kenzo Ibano (Osaka Univ., Japan)
Ryo Kobayashi (Nagoya Inst. Tech., Japan)
Predrag Krstic (Stony Brook University, USA)
Byeongchan Lee (Kyung Hee Univ., Korea)
Yonggang Li (Inst. Solid State Physics CAS, China)
Sabina Markelj (Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Tsuyoshi Miyazaki (NIMS, Japan)
Thomas Morgan (DIFFER, Netherlands)
Seiki Saito (Yamagata Univ., Japan)
Thomas Schwarz Selinger (MPI für Plasmaphysik, Germany)
Tomoaki Suzudo (JAEA, Japan)
Takeshi Toyama (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
Chris Van de Walle (Univ. California, USA)
Jianmin Yuan (National Univ. Defense Tech., China)
Linfeng Zhang (Princeton Univ., USA)
International scientific committee
Jean-Paul Allain (University of Illinois, USA), Bas Braams (CWI, Netherlands), Gregory de Temmerman (ITER Organization, France), Maria Ganchenkova (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, Russia), Yves Ferro (Aix-Marseille Université, France), Daiji Kato (National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan), Predrag Krstic (Stony Brook University, USA), Christian Linsmeier (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany), Duc Nguyen-Manh (CCFE, UK), Joerg Neugebauer (Max-Plank-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany), Kai Nordlund (University of Helsinki, Finland), Takuji Oda (Seoul National University, Korea), Klaus Schmid (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik Garching, Germany), Manoj Warrier (BARC Visakhapatnam, India), Brian Wirth (University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA), Hong-Bo Zhou (Beihang University, China), Kalle Heinola (IAEA, Vienna, Austria)
Local organizers
Daiji Kato (Chair), Hiroaki Nakamura, Suguru Masuzaki, Izumi Murakami, Katsuyoshi Tsumori, Naoko Ashikawa, Atsushi M. Ito, Hiroyuki A. Sakaue, Arimichi Takayama, Masayuki Tokitani, Yukinori Hamaji, Miyuki Yajima
Important dates
Deadline for registration and visa request: 18 March 2019
Extended Deadline for registration: 19 April 2019
Deadline for abstracts: 19 April 2019
Scientific programme
Abstract book can be downloaded here.
The workshop and registration will take place at meeting room No. 1 on the 4th floor of Administration Building in NIFS campus: the building 5 on the campus map,
2019/6/18 (Tue) 8:40 registration 9:30 opening 9:35 Takeo Muroga
(Deupty Director General of NIFS)Welcome address and introduction of NIFS session 1 (Chair: Yves Ferro) 9:50 I-1 Sergei Dudarev What Drives the Evolution of Microstructure of Plasma Facing Materials: Energies of Defects or Elastic Stresses and Strains? 10:20 I-2 Tomoaki Suzudo First Principles Modeling on Radiation Defects in W and W-based Alloys 10:50 break 11:00 I-3 Tsuyoshi Miyazaki Linear-scaling First-principles Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Complex Nano-structured Materials with the CONQUEST Code 11:30 I-4 Johann Bouchet Vibrational properties of the actinides 12:00 lunch session 2 (Chair: Hong-Bo Zhou) 13:00 I-5 Chris Van de Walle First-principles modelling of defects and hydrogen in oxides 13:30 I-6 Christoph Freysoldt Modelling of charged point defects with density-functional theory 14:00 break 14:10 I-7 Byeongchan Lee Atomistic calculations on random nature of irradiated damage in single crystalline tungsten 14:40 O-1 Duc Nguyen-Manh Origin of outstanding radiation resistance in W-based high-entropy alloys 15:00 group photo session 3 (Chair: Duc Nguyen-Manh) 15:30 I-8 Ryo Kobayashi Construction of efficient machine-learning potential for W-H system 16:00 I-9 Tommy Ahlgren Corrections to sink strengths used in rate equation simulations of defects in solids 16:30 O-2 Hong-Bo Zhou Towards understanding the influence of Re on H dissolution and retention in W by investigating the interaction between dispersed/aggregated-Re and H 16:50 break 17:00 O-3 Shin Kajita Deposition effects on He induced fiberform nanostructure growth 17:20 O-4 Atsushi M. Ito Sputtering and Re-deposition Effects during Fuzz Growth Process Simulated by BCA-MD-KMC Multi-hybrid Simulation 17:40 O-5 Zhangcan Yang Helium Bubble Growth In Tungsten Nano-Tendrils 19:00 - 21:00 Workshop dinner at Yamagami Onsen (hotspring house)
*Bus for Yamagami Onsen will depart at 18:30 from NIFS2019/6/19 (Wed) session 4 (Chair: Bastiaan J. Braams) 8:40 I-10 Predrag Krstic Quantum-Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Synthesis of Boron-Nitride Nano-Structures at High-Temperature, High-Pressure Plasmas 9:10 I-11 Paul Erhart Tools for the construction of atomic scale models for materials 9:40 break 9:50 I-12 Thomas Morgan Liquid metal vapour shielding in linear plasma devices 10:20 I-13 Kenzo Ibano Weighted PIC simulation for vapor shielding at wall under transient heat loads 10:50 I-14 Jianmin Yuan Modifications to the Photonic and Electronic Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Ions in Dense plasmas due to the Transient Localization of Continuum Electron Wavefunctions 11:20 break session 5 (Chair: Hiroaki Nakamura) 11:30 I-15 Yonggang Li Effects of Microstructures on Surface Damage and H/He Retention in W: A multi-scale Modelling 12:00 O-6 Yves Ferro Surface coverage dependence of the diffusion/desorption mechanisms of hydrogen from the W(110) and W(100) surfaces: a model based on DFT and thermodynamics 12:20 lunch session 6 (Chair: Katsuyoshi Tsumori) 13:20 I-16 Seiki Saito Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Hydrogen Recycling on Carbon Divertor 13:50 O-7 Mizuki Sakamoto Impact of a high temperature target on hydrogen recycling 14:10 O-8 Takato Hirayama Potential Sputtering from Rare Gas Solid Surface by Multiply-Charged Ion impact 14:30 O-9 Miroslaw Zlobinski D retention in bulk Be and D co-deposited in Be layers studied by 3 different thermal desorption techniques and their modelling by CRDS 14:50 break session 7 (Chair: Takuji Oda) 15:00 I-17 Bastiaan J. Braams Recent approaches to machine learning of interatomic potentials seen from a perspective of plasma material interaction and primary radiation damage 15:30 I-18 Linfeng Zhang Deep Learning for Multi-Scale Molecular Modeling 16:00 I-19 Utkarsh Bhardwaj Classification of Clusters in MD Simulations of Collision Cascades 16:30 break session 8 (Chair: Izumi Murakami) 16:40 O-10 Noboru Yoshikawa Microstructural Change of Au Thin Films by Microwave Irradiation 17:00 O-11 Yugo Nagata A monoenergetic energy-tunable positronium beam and its applications 17:20 break poster session 17:30 - 18:20 P-1 Daiji Kato Vacancy clustering and stabilization in tungsten by hydrogen trapping P-2 Hyung-Gyu Lee The defect formation mechanisms and change of the mechanical properties under the irradiation in pure W and W-Re alloy: Molecular dynamics study P-3 Jie Nan Molecular dynamics study of materials properties of pure W and W-10Re alloy before and after irradiation P-4 Harsh Hemani Inclusion of Electronic Stopping and Validation in the Open Source Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS) P-5 Quan Shi Investigation of temperature and ion energy threshold for tungsten fuzz growth by Monte Carlo Simulation P-6 SangHyuk Yoo Study of proton irradiation in wurtzite GaN with a-type prism-edge dislocation using molecular dynamics simulations P-7 Woonghee Cho Development of Potential Model with Three-body Interaction for Tungsten P-8 Lukas Pichl Recent Machine Learning Algorithms for Classification of Time Series: Recurrent Deep Learning Networks with Potential for Plasma Applications P-9 Izumi Murakami NIFS Atomic and Molecular Numerical Database for Collision Processes in Plasmas P-10 Naoko Ashikawa Observation of trapped hydrogen in coated tungsten on titanium specimen 2019/6/20 (Thu) session 9 (Chair: Daiji Kato) 8:40 I-20 Sabina Markelj Displacement damage stabilization by hydrogen presence under simultaneous W ion damaging and D ion exposure 9:10 I-21 Thomas Schwarz-Selinger Influence of the presence of deuterium on displacement damage in tungsten 9:40 O-12 Kazuhito Ohsawa Anomalous Properties of Vacancy in Tungsten and Interaction with Hydrogen 10:00 O-13 Takuji Oda Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Interactions between Hydrogen and Vacancy Clusters in Tungsten 10:20 break session 10 (Chair: Suguru Masuzaki) 10:30 I-22 Takeshi Toyama Deuterium trapping at irradiation-induced defects in tungsten studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy 11:00 O-14 Yuji Hatano Deuterium retention in W and binary W alloys irradiated with high energy Fe ions 11:20 O-15 Yoshio Ueda Hydrogen isotope exchange between H and D in damaged tungsten 11:40 O-16 Toshikio Takimoto Development of functional material for deuterium permeation observation under divertor plasma exposures 12:00 closing
Abstract submission
The deadline for the abstract submission is 19 April 2019. Oral and poster presentations are welcome. A one page abstract must be submitted using the template available here.
Please email your abstract and oral/poster preference to
The registration is free of charges. For registration, please fill out the registration form and sent it to by18 March 2019extended until 19 April 2019.
The workshop dinner will take place on Tuesday (18th June) at Yamagami Onsen, Japanese hotspring house in Toki ( During the dinner, there are also attraction of Japanese instrumental ensemble. For participation to the workshop dinner (by reservation), a fee of 10,000 JPY will be collected by cash.
We prepare a lunch box of 500 JPY by reservation.
For participants who require a visa to travel to Japan, an invitation letter will be provided to facilitate the visa application process. For this purpose please send an invitation letter request to the local organizers ( not later than 18 March 2019, providing your passport details (nationality, passport number, issue and expiry dates), and the mailing address to where the invitation letter is delivered.
Format of the meeting
The workshop consists of invited talk (30min), contributed oral presentation (20min), and poster presentation.
Each poster board is 1.2m wide x 1.8m long (suit A0 size vertical).
Getting to NIFS
Please consult our website
Delagates are responsible for arranging their own accomodation. Information of hotels near Tajimi train station is following.
A limited number of rooms in institute guest house ( have been reserved. If you wish to reserve one of these rooms please contact to with a note that you are paricipant of MoD-PMI2019. The cost is 2,600 JPY per day.
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